107 Harry Mabs

Rank Game Name Worked On Manufacturer Release Date
230 Buccaneer Design Gottlieb October, 1948
390 Bank-A-Ball Design Gottlieb May, 1950
414 Ali-Baba Design Gottlieb June, 1948
417 Olde King Cole Design Gottlieb May, 1948
474 Buttons and Bows Design Gottlieb March, 1949
535 Barnacle Bill Design Gottlieb August, 1948
623 Caravan Design Williams Manufacturing Company June, 1952
657 Cinderella Design Gottlieb March, 1948
708 Golden Gloves Design Williams Electronic Manufacturing Company January, 1960
812 Domino Design Williams Manufacturing Company May, 1952
834 Humpty Dumpty Design Gottlieb October, 1947
1110 Turf Champ Design Williams Manufacturing Company July, 1958
1256 Lady Robin Hood Design Gottlieb January, 1948
1458 Select-A-Card Design Gottlieb April, 1950
1500 A-B-C Bowler Design Gottlieb August, 1941
1502 Alice in Wonderland Design Gottlieb August, 1948
1543 Jack 'N Jill Design Gottlieb April, 1948
1547 Jungle Design Williams Electronic Manufacturing Company July, 1960
1548 Just 21 Design Gottlieb January, 1950
1550 King Arthur and his Round Table Design Gottlieb October, 1949
1565 Madison Square Gardens Design Gottlieb June, 1950
1566 Maisie Design Gottlieb March, 1947
1572 Marjorie Design Gottlieb July, 1947
1577 Minstrel Man Design Gottlieb Febuary, 1951
1600 School Days Design Gottlieb March, 1941
1603 Sea Hawk Design Gottlieb March, 1941
1605 Sea Wolf Design Williams Electronic Manufacturing Company July, 1959
1606 Serenade Design Williams Electronic Manufacturing Company May, 1960
1608 Sharpshooter Design Gottlieb May, 1949
1630 Struggle Buggies Design Williams Manufacturing Company November, 1953
1660 Watch My Line Design Gottlieb July, 1951
1680 Bowlette Design Gottlieb Febuary, 1950
1966 Batting Champ Design Gottlieb July, 1939
2055 Big Show Design Gottlieb Febuary, 1940
2155 Border Town Design Gottlieb June, 1940
2165 Bowling Alley Design Gottlieb Febuary, 1939
2196 Buffalo Bill Design Gottlieb May, 1950
2603 Double-Shuffle Design Gottlieb June, 1949
2688 Fair Design Gottlieb May, 1939
2917 Gold Star Design Gottlieb October, 1940
3014 Harvest Moon Design Gottlieb December, 1948
3049 Hi-Dive Design Gottlieb May, 1941
3130 Horoscope Design Gottlieb March, 1941
3327 Knock Out Design Gottlieb December, 1950
3435 Lot-O-Fun Design Gottlieb May, 1939
3453 Lucky Star Design Gottlieb May, 1947
3480 Magic Clock Design Williams Electronic Manufacturing Company December, 1960
3571 Miami Beach Design Gottlieb May, 1941
3588 Miss America Design Gottlieb January, 1947
3637 Music Man Design Williams Electronic Manufacturing Company August, 1960
3735 Old Faithful Design Gottlieb December, 1949
3746 Olympics Design Williams Manufacturing Company May, 1952
3801 Paradise Design Gottlieb December, 1940
3975 Pyramid Design Gottlieb August, 1939
4197 Score Card Design Gottlieb Febuary, 1940
4247 Shangri-La Design P & S Machine Company November, 1943
4500 Spot Pool Design Gottlieb August, 1941
4502 Spot-A-Card Design Gottlieb November, 1941
4525 Stage Door Canteen Design Gottlieb November, 1945
4612 Summer Time Design Gottlieb May, 1940
4659 Superliner Design Gottlieb July, 1946
4742 The Champ Design Gottlieb August, 1940
4759 The New Champ Design Gottlieb Sepetember, 1941
5008 Viking Design Williams Electronic Manufacturing Company June, 1960
5073 Wild West Design Gottlieb August, 1951